In a post on his Google+ Profile, Linus Torvalds recently stated he wake up with excruciating pain. He adds, he remembers having whooping cough as a child but this was something he never expected. Linus Torvalds got Kidney Stones and this have been an irritation for him.

From Linus Torvalds’s Post on Google+:

Because do you know what’s really painful? Kidney Stones.

I have never really been sick in my life. I remember having whooping cough as a child, but that’s pretty much it aside from the usual minor ailments. Not a single broken bone either. My “big” health issue has been basically occasional flaring of dry skin that is annoying.

Until this morning at 5am when I wake up in excruciating pain. Never felt anything like it in my life, and sincerely hope to never feel it again.

F**k kidney stones. And thank $DEITY for prescription drugs.

Linus Torvalds- Get Well Soon!
Linus Torvalds- Get Well Soon!

To the most awesome man who loved giving, and inspired many of us by Open Source (giving). Today, I’d like to give out all my best wishes and prayers to Linus Torvalds. Get well soon Linus Torvalds.