NSA Open-sourced 32 Projects by opening account on Github

The National Security Agency(NSA), a national Level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, is a known agency for keeping its works a secret. However, it has now joined GitHub and has gone public.
How to save data to Google Spreadsheet from Unity 3D (No SDK – No Plugins)
Learn how to save data to Google Spreadsheet from Unity 3D to save user and game data without using any plugin or SDK. With help of this tutorial you can create survey apps, newsletter subscription and many other ideas on your Unity App without having to worry for databases. Store all the information on Google Sheet from Unity.
Creating Simple Login Form Template using Bootstrap
Twitter Bootstrap provides an easy and fastest way to create different types of form using its already defined CSS classes like form-group
and form-control
. We can use twitter bootstrap forms as per our need and create different types and styles of forms. Bootstrap supports inline form, horizontal form and vertical form and with this we can create signup and Login form template using Bootstrap.
In this section of our Bootstrap Tutorials we will discuss about designing and creating simple login page template using bootstrap forms. If you are already familiar with html and bootstrap then you can directly understand the design else start learning html and bootstrap basics. You can go through the explanation of the code or simply download the source code and use it in your web project.
Bisection Method – Algorithm, Flowchart and Code in C

The bisection method is one of the simplest and most reliable of iterative methods for the solution of nonlinear equations. This method, also known as binary chopping or half-interval method, relies on the fact that if f(x) is real and continuous in the interval a < x < b, and f(a) and f(b) are of opposite signs, that is,
f(a)*f(b) < 0
then there is at least one real root in the interval between a and b.
Programmer’s Life with Bug in code
How to change upload limit of WordPress hosted on Azure VM
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to change upload limit of WordPress hosted on Azure VM (Virtual Machine). Recently, after hosting a WordPress website on Azure Virtual Machine (Linux), I was trying to upload media and files to the WordPress site. But due to default configuration there was a maximum upload limit of 2MB.
As the WordPress was hosted on Azure Virtual Machine, I couldn’t find the FTP access for the site, the one I used to connect to Virtual Machine through FTP didn’t have WordPress folder in it.
Free Download – Point of Sale System for Retails and Shops
Open Source Point of Sale is a web based point of sale system written in the PHP language. It uses MySQL as the data storage back-end and has a simple user interface.